Feb 12 at 01:35
You created group 'Fake Chat App'
FakeChatApp.com - the indistinguishable chat imitator
You can create Fake Whatsapp Chats and fake Messenger conversations and switch between them.
Type a message at the bottom of this screen to start a conversation.
The message is added to the conversation (at the bottom).
Just drag and drop images you want to use in the conversation to this window.
You can change the name and profile picture of your conversation partner (top left) by clicking on it. This also applies to last seen.
You can then edit a message by clicking on it. This way you can change the text, status (check marks) and time. You can also determine whether the message was sent by the sender (right) or receiver (left).
You can change the order of messages by dragging and dropping them.
Finally, click (top right) to download your fake chat as an image.